Tarot 101 is a course that teaches you everything you need to know to begin, strengthen, and/or master your tarot journey. By the end of the course you will know everything necessary to read and understand Tarot!
The course is taught with the Raider-Waite deck, but the information learned can be applied to ANY Tarot deck!
Tarot 101 Includes:
Access to video recordings of classes, to watch at your leisure
An in-class worksheet for taking notes in a meaningful way (& organized in a way that makes it simple to find info after class)
Tarot Journal pages & prompts for you to complete before class and after class
Certificate of completion
In this class, we cover:
How to choose, cleanse, connect to, and use a deck
Basic principles behind all tarot cards (elements, numerology, etc.)
Each individual card of the tarot (each of the 78 cards have their own slide with detailed info!)
How to comprehend the “Fool’s journey” on a higher level for eased understanding of Tarot usage
This class is designed for you to master the understanding of tarot, not memorize “facts” about cards. It teaches you to not be reliant on your notes - but still gives you facts/notes about each card to look over when you need them!
Any questions? E-mail me at SachiTheScorpio@gmail.com
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