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Clients from all over the world share their experiences with my services:

"I received a video natal chart series from Sachi which was so informative! I learned a lot about myself and it validated a lot of things I had experienced in life. It also helped understand how to key in on my shadow work. Overall it was super informative and I can wait to get a second natal chart reading this time looking at sidereal! 

I also did an ancestral reading/healing with Sachi and it really helped me to understand what the collective history & trauma in my family and myself was. Suddenly I could see all the repeating patterns clear as day, as if they were painted on a picture in front of me and I’ve been able to continue working on them. If it wasn’t for this session, I’m not sure I would have been able to jump timelines and make as much progress in my life as I have lately. 

10/10 would recommend a service with Sachi!"

Stephanie W.

"Sachi's guidance through tarot and pokemancy readings on re-rooting myself in a different country has helped me TREMENDOUSLY through some very dark times.
No exaggeration Sachi has shed light onto my path and redirected me into focusing on the good within me, even when it was actually a dark cold foreign lonely winter, with her help I've found warmth again and utilized the magic within me to bring more love and light around through tending to my chakras and following her advice in every reading I've gotten.
Sachi's name is the first one i speak whenever I'm recommending an astrologer/tarot readings to someone.
Eternally grateful for her time and energy🙏🏼 worth every penny every single time."

Hiba G.

"I received a tarot reading from Sachi that was hands down, by far, the best I’ve ever had. Not only is her energy and sprit so comforting and calming, she makes you feel seen and not judged. Her reading is the most in depth I’ve experienced and she really explains everything so well, instead of being vague and leaving you confused or guessing. Above all, her intuition and ability to grasp the depths of the metaphysical are truly a gift. I balled my eyes out; she was able to bring to light what I couldn’t find myself. By doing so, and finally being able to see what I couldn’t see before, allowed me to shift my focus for my own healing, onto what really needed to be addressed. I’m still in awe of her. "

Kristel K.

"After regularly watching the monthly collective tarot readings she posts on YouTube, I reached out to Sachi for my first personal tarot reading in October 2020. I’ve since gotten several additional tarot readings from her, one including an interpretation of my astro chart, and a dream interpretation. Each of these readings/services not only deeply resonated but were exactly what I needed at the time and caused me to think more deeply about my experiences, often opening my mind to a different perspective. I also believe they helped to better direct my own practice and interaction with the world. Since learning from Sachi I feel myself becoming more aware of my connection to the universe and actually seeing returns on my manifestations! I highly recommend any service she offers ❤️"

Lizzie C.

"I had a major crisis at the start of the year and *knew* that what I needed had to come from like a crystal ball (only way I knew to describe it) and that's what I asked the Universe for. I've been healing and working with a therapist for a couple of years but this situation was different-  I knew this wasn't a therapist thing. I know enough now how to take care of myself and work through things. BUT I needed URGENT guidance. Somehow Sachi showed up in my feed or stories or who knows what so I checked her out. Then went and watched the collective reading for my star sign on youtube and IT WAS SPOT ON for what I needed in that moment. I have never watched a tarot or been into any spiritual things AT ALL but I did the extended and it helped so much that I booked my first personal reading. 


When my personal reading came in- it was exactly what I needed. There were some hard truths there but.... I was so grateful bc I NEEDED TO KNOW. The hard truths were also so entirely clear and on point that it helped me to have direction. I was able to accept some things, see things for what they were, and to grief and to address my issues. I really appreciate that you always ask how we can work on the issues that come up so we can be on our highest vibrational timeline. Over the following months I worked on everything that came through in the advice. I started asking Angles for help (in the reading), opening my eyes to things (in the reading), seeking help to heal certain things (in the reading), opening up to spiritual things (priestess card), and moving in the right direction (lots of items through the whole reading to help me with this). It was honestly an entire road map that guided me forward on my spiritual awakening and HUGE turn over in my life. I'm so grateful to Source for this. I also appreciate that they are on video because the cards themselves speak. There was a specific detail that a card did- it flew and landed on something and between that and Sachi's comment on it, *for me* it was significant. 6 months later, the significance of that is coming through and happening. I know it's due to having grown, done the work, and also shifting my timeline."

Heather W.

"I discovered Sachi in divine timing just as I needed to receive her wisdom and knowledge. 2020 was one of the hardest years for me on top of the pandemic. I had relationship problems, family health problems and serious problems with my career. It was a real tower year for me. But each day, it is like Sachi’s messages were sent for me from my spirit guides and ancestors. Sachi has taught me and continues to teach me how to heal. How to collectively heal. How to address my traumas and try work through them. How to accept and welcome abundance and release all that is not serving me. That there is light after all of this. That there needs to be death and rebirth and that we must accept change. I followed her monthly free YouTube clips and was in awe with how apt they were! Almost every single month the messages were clear and were visible to me. Then, in some cases - they weren’t immediately but became real lightbulb moments for me after the fact [...] She is a generous spirit that has a true passion for helping others and giving. I would and have recommended her services far and wide in Australia."

Billie C.

"I was being led to doing ancestral healing and had never done any kind of ancestral healing work before. When my reading came in, I cried through the first 5-10 minutes. It was so accurate in describing the recurring heartbreak in my family. I suddenly tied together all the experiences of my aunts, my mother, my grandmother, her sisters.... and I'm sure beyond my knowledge for who knows how long. And it was happening to me. To have it so clearly acknowledged, seen, and described was what led me to cry. As the rest of it continued, my ancestors came through with so much knowledge of what was currently going on with me. And so much encouragement and guidance. I *know* I'm healing these things and seeing the circle of heartbreak getting turned around by the journey I've been on since. There were a few details that I recognized would absolutely be my Ancestors as they were specific to history. They also said they wanted to speak to me through birds and feathers and .... you would not believe the crazy stories I have about birds this year. I learned how to ask my Ancestors for help and can actually hear them now. I also had an Ancestor visit me one night in my sleep to tell me something very comforting. I half woke up and saw them in full traditional dressing. My dog also sensed it and started doing slight barks in her sleep at that exact moment. Most importantly,  I received the guidance I needed to work on breaking these loops in my family line. My Ancestors did not want me experiencing it again and being left broken and "standing on a cliff pouring out my cups" just like my grandmother and my aunties and my own mother. That was the card that was used for that. There were also things that I shared with certain members of my family as I knew it would help us all heal and change the DNA of our family. You wouldn't believe it, but breakthroughs also started happening in my mom's life. She has released some stuff and her whole situation right now is practically a miracle. It's her own journey, but I feel that it is still connected. I'm also seeing breakthroughs in my sisters and cousin. Heal yourself. Heal your fam. Thank you for this service, Sachi."

Heather W.

"Had a fantastic energy read [...] and was blown away by the accuracy of the reading.  She is a fantastic reader but especially for twin flames.  Her channeling is amazing and she nailed and knew things with great detail. [...] Sachi was kind and spoke with great empathy which exactly what you want in a reader.  I’m grateful to have found her and will use her services again."

Ruth A.

 "I had [a] dream interpretation service and it was extremely helpful as my dreams were giving me anxiety and the clarity they provided helped. I partially had a feeling about them being intuitive but your interpretation helped solidify the meanings and when it came to the scarier dream you also gave me cleansing advice that really helped and I haven’t had any “spooky” issues since following you home cleaning ritual. So 💯 appreciative of [Sachi's] time and perspective.
Oh I would add as someone new to spiritualism and survivor of religious trauma [Sachi's] help was clear and did not cause further anxiety."

Kathy W.

"I had a progressed chart reading with Sachi. 

From the start, she was incredibly helpful with questions about the best reading for my questions, providing insight into what the different services would illuminate about my life.

I can see some things starting to take shape and feel more comfortable with the choices that have led me to where I am at the moment. 

After my reading, she continued to communicate with me and asked that I provide some keywords to find asteroids related to my questions. 

The main reason I was initially interested in Sachi's work is her ability and skill at bridging science and spirit. It was also immediately clear that she deeply cares about her work and the people who hire her services. I highly recommend her!"

Gaby L.

© 2021 by Sachi The Scorpio

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